Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Brief Introduction...and Stimulation

At the site individualsovereignty, I've been on blogspot for a little over nine years.  That site is devoted to politics, economics, and government.  As you can see, I'm changing horses.  We're going to explore how to significantly improve our lives...one container at a time.  Please join me.

Not counting sprouting (which I've done for decades), I've been doing container gardening for only a short time.  Nevertheless, because I now have about 50 plants in containers and perhaps because of my background and experience in related matters, we're going to learn a ton of useful information here.  Plus, if you're new to gardening, you'll find the "work" (really, FUN) very mentally and spiritually refreshing.

We'll begin with a short, general overview of the whole process and then go in-depth on topics such as seeds, soils, mulch, containers, organic fertilizer (mostly home-made), more containers (ones you've already paid for), transplanting, and watering.  The great thing about container gardening is that you essentially eliminate two of the biggest pains relative to gardening:  weeds, and insect pests.  In addition, you virtually eliminate (in most cases) wind damage, rain damage, and hail damage.  Any worry over the weather is 99% gone.  We'll learn how to garden at the absolute lowest cost...both stress-wise and monetarily.

I have two videos (more to come) on my YouTube Channel about container gardening, but it's difficult to go into very much detail there because people expect relatively short clips.  If interested, do a YouTube Search for:  Scott Haley container gardening.  [If you use only my name, you'll get a gazillion clips on Haley Scott, a female actor & singer:]  On this venue, we can go into much more detail.  I'll do my best to post a piece at least three times a week...barring unforeseen circumstances.

Take up gardening.  This kind of it can be done by anyone living anywhere.  It will boost your spirit, clear your mind, and save you money.

Happy Trails, and Be Well.

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